OOPS!...I did it again - 2 Feb - 1 Mar 2017
Andrea Salvatori solo exhibition
Following the success of the project launched in occasion of Frieze 2016 at Sloane’s Square Dodo boutique, MADEINBRITALY art gallery is glad to present OOPS!...I DID IT AGAIN, the first gallery-based solo exhibition of Andrea Salvatori. This solo show has been conceived in occasion of Collect, the International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects at the Saatchi Gallery where MADEINBRITALY will be exhibiting
Andrea Salvatori is a visual artist working in ceramics to realise ironic and witty sculptures, sometimes involving a diverse selection of found objects, such as Murano glass vases, Meissen porcelain miniatures or Ginori period ceramics sourced in flea markets around Europe. Salvatori’s works often begin with these items and add an element created by the artist, generating an unexpected semantic shift. The result is unique, encompassing pop culture and kitsch aesthetics: a witty and effective way to turn reality upside-down and at the same time a powerful combination of exquisite craftsmanship and genuine irony.
The dominant note of the ceramic sculptures on display is their whiteness which is functional to emphasise both their aesthetical value and most importantly the ironic narration behind them. The visitor is first immersed in a group of light and airy sculptures where the uncertain equilibrium and the instable fragility of dozens of stars are kept together by a dreamlike magical bound. The exhibition continues with a curious collection of small and large candid pieces each representing an absurd situation where the protagonist is often a small white rabbit. The story-telling of the small animal’s adventures encompasses its fantastic encounters with art quotes of Lucio Fontana, Fischli & Weiss and Piero Manzoni. These are indeed cleverly picked references making these artworks charmingly legible from both an aesthetic and conceptual standpoint.
Andrea Salvatori was born on 3 of March 1975 in Faenza (Ra) - Italy; he has graduated at the Istituto d’arte for the ceramic in Faenza in 1995, and in sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna in 2000.Since 1997 he has attended several individual and collective exhibitions; in 2007 he classified second at the International Contest of Contemporary Art Ceramics, 55th Premio Faenza, MIC Faenza. In 2009 he classified first at the International Contest Of Contemporary Art Ceramics, 56th Premio Faenza, MIC Faenza.In 2011 he classified second at the Sidney Myer Fund Australian Ceramic Award International, Shepparton Art Museum in Sidney.
Solo exhibitionsFinzioni/Funzioni curated by Irene BiolchiniGalleria Comunale d’arte “La Molinella” Faenza, Ravenna, 2016 Gli specchi dovrebbero pensare più a lungo prima di riflettere curated by Sabrina Samorì and Silvia Battistini, Museo Civico d' Arte Industriale e Galleria Davia Bargellini, Bologna, 2016 Metaceramico curated by Chiara Fuschini, Galleria Ninapi, Ravenna, 2015 Allievo e Maestri curated by ThePoolNYC Gallery, Palazzo Sassoli de’Bianchi, Bologna, 2015 Uncanny Fairy Tales curated by Elena Magini, F-AIR Florence Artist in Residence, Firenze, 2013 Magnitudocurated by Alberto Zanchetta, Museo di Lissone, Lissone, Milano, 2013 Naiv/Vaincurated by Chiara Cardinali, Museo di S. Domenico / Il Pomo Da Damo, Imola, Bologna, 2012 Five Solo Exhibitions curated by Alberto Zanchetta, ThePoolNYC Gallery, Corte Malipiero, Venezia, 2009 Collezione di Ceramiche curated by Alberto Zanchetta, Galleria Estro Padova, 2003 SelectedGroup exhibitionsArtieri Fantastici curated by Enzo Biffi Gentili, Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco, Cuneo, 2016 Terra! 56° Mostra della Ceramica di Castellamonte curated by Olga Gambari, Palazzo Botton, Castellamonte, Torino, 2016 Palazzo con vista curated by ThePoolNYC Gallery, Palazzo Cesari Marchesi, Venezia, 2015 Thesaurus ( Expò in Città ) curated by Fabio Carnaghi, Terme Romane, Como, 2015XXIII° Biennale Internationale Creation Contemporaine et Ceramique curated by Céline Graziani, Vallauris, France, 2014The Hidden Show curated by ThePoolNYC Gallery, New York, 2014 Arte Ceramica oggi in Italia curate by Jean Blanchaert, e / and Viola Emaldi, Villa Necchi Campiglio, Milano, 2013 XXXII Biennale Roncaglia Passato Prossimo curated by Elisabetta Modena, Marco Scotti, Ilaria Bignotti e / and Valentina Rossi,Rocca Estense, San Felice Sul Panaro, Modena, 2012 Tu Sei Un Nome Che Respira E Muove curated by Dacia Manto, Museo della Città, Rimini, 2012 54° Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Biennale di Venezia; Padiglione Italia; Regione Emilia Romagna curated by VittorioSgarbi, Chiostri di S. Pietro, Reggio Emilia 2011 ThePoolNYC Exhibition curated by ThePoolNYC Gallery, Mexico City, 2011 Caprice curated by Marco Tagliafierro e / and Davide Tomaiuolo, Galleria Paolo Curti/Annamaria Gambuzzi, Milano 2011 ThePoolNYC Exhibition ThePoolNYC Gallery, New York, 2010 Festa Mobile curated by Davide Ferri e / and Antonio Grulli, Bologna, 2010 Il Castello Di Rivara apre le cantine curate by Francesca Solero, Castello di Rivara,Torino, 2009 Nuove Argille FRAC Baronissi, curate by Irene Biolchini, Galleria dei Frati and Antiche Cisterne, Salerno, 2008 Allarmi III Nuovo Contingente, curated by Cecilia Antolini, Ivan Quaroni, Alessandro Trabucco, Alberto Zanchetta, Caserma De Cristoforis, Como, 2007 Un Secolo e Oltre, Premio Fabbri II edizione curated by Marina Mojana, Fondazione Del Monte di Bologna and Ravenna, Bologna, 2007 European Ceramic Context 2006, Bornholms Kunstmuseum, Denmark, 2006 XII Biennale dei Giovani Artisti dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo, BJCEM curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, Castel S. Elmo, Napoli, 2005 Quotidiana 04 curated by Virginia Baradel, Guido Bartorelli, Stefania Schiavon, Museo del Santo, Padova, 2004 In Ralenti curated by Alberto Zanchetta, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia, 2002 Exposiciones de la U.P.V. / E.H.U., Campus de Leioa, Bilbao, Spain, 1998 Interventi curated by Roberto Daolio e / and Mili Romano, Stazione F.F.S.S, Bologna, 1997